As i started receiving invitations to take part in group shows across Europe, it became clear that I couldn’t send my existing works as they were either too site-specific or required my presence for their correct installation.
Out of necessity, and as a veiled criticism of large group shows whose only curatorial effort consisted in assembling young and hip artists, I created a passepartout, parasite installation - size variable according to the number of other artworks on display - which was entirely made of printed mirrors. Each mirror looked like a lined notebook, and my instructions to the gallerist or curator specified that they should be hung to reflect other artists’ works.
Both writing and looking at oneself in the mirror are relevant experiences in the formation of one's identity. My mirrors received between their lines both the viewer and the artworks displayed in the gallery and suggested the conflation of reading and writing. The reference to Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, and Jacques Lacan was mainly lost on critics, exception made for the very clever Silvia Eiblmayer.
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